Keyboard/Mouse shortcuts ------------------------ While in Object Modes -------------------------------------------------------- Ctrl + left-click + drag - Copy object and move Shift + left-click + drag - Scale object Alt + left-click + drag - Rotate object Ctrl + right-click + drag - Move view Shift + right-click + drag - Zoom view Alt + right-click + drag - Rotate view (3d only) While in Eye Move Mode -------------------------------------------------------- left-click + drag - Move view left, right, up, down right-click + drag - Move view left, right, in, out While in Eye Rotate Mode -------------------------------------------------------- left-click + drag - Revolve/spin view around edit pos right-click + drag - Rotate view, moves edit pos Keyboard shortcuts ------------------ File commands -------------------------------------------------------- Ctrl+N - New Ctrl+L - Load Ctrl+S - Save Ctrl+A - Save as Ctrl+E - Export Map Ctrl+B - Export BSP Alt+X - Exit Edit commands -------------------------------------------------------- Ctrl+U - Undo Ctrl+X - Cut object Ctrl+C - Copy object Ctrl+V - Paste object DEL - Delete object Ctrl+D - Duplicate object Alt+H - Hollow brush Alt+S - CSG subtract Mode commands -------------------------------------------------------- O - Object select mode M - Object move mode R - Object rotate mode S - Object scale mode V - Vertex move E - Edge move mode F - Face move mode Ctrl+M - Eye move mode Ctrl+R - Eye rotate mode Ctrl+Z - Eye zoom mode W - Walk-thru mode Object commands -------------------------------------------------------- Ins - Add object G - Group add Ctrl+G - Group finish Alt+G - Ungroup Ctrl+PgUp - Scope up Ctrl+PgDn - Scope down Alt+E - Entity properties Texture commands -------------------------------------------------------- T - Apply texture Alt+T - Texture properties Alt+B - Texture bookmarks 1-8 - Goto bookmark #1-8 Alt+1-8 - Set bookmark #1-8 View commands -------------------------------------------------------- arrows - Scroll view A - Zoom out Z - Zoom in [ - Range dec ] - Range inc , - Decrease snap value . - Increase snap value < - Decrease grid lines > - Increase grid lines Home - Center views around object scope Alt+Q - Default layout Alt+N - Add camera Ctrl+F1 - Toggle snapping Ctrl+F2 - Toggle show entities Ctrl+F3 - Toggle crosshair Ctrl+F4 - Toggle lock views Option commands -------------------------------------------------------- Alt+C - Config window Alt+V - Advanced config window Alt+I - Entity set window Alt+Enter - Toggle between windowed and fullscreen \ - Refresh screen F11 - Video reset (for fullscreen) F12 - Screenshot (saves qoole??.pcx) Render commands -------------------------------------------------------- F5 - Wireframe render mode F6 - Solid render mode F7 - Textured render mode F8 - Textured fast render mode